Biznesa apmeklētāju vīzas pieteikums Kanādai

Atjaunināts vietnē Jan 22, 2025 | Kanāda eTA

Before you apply for a Canada business visa application, you must have detailed knowledge of business visa requirements. Entrepreneurs must learn more about eligibility and requirements to enter Canada as business visitors. Citizens of Canadian visa-exempt countries can apply for Canada eTA for their business trips to Canada.

In the global market, Canada is known as an economically stable country. It has the 10th largest GDP by nominal. When it comes to GDP by PPP, it found itself in the 6th position. Canada serves as the ideal test for the USA, as it is one of the major entry points to the United States market. Moreover, if you compare both, then you will find that business costs in general are 15% higher in the USA than in Canada. Hence, Canada has a lot to offer to global businesses. From those entrepreneurs who want to start a new business in Canada to the ones who have a successful business in their home country and are looking forward to expanding their business, to seasoned businessmen or investors, all get several opportunities in the country. If you want to explore new business opportunities in Canada, a short-term trip to the country can be of great help.

Ikvienam Kanādas apmeklētājam, kurš ceļo no valsts, kurai nav vīzu režīma, ir jāsaņem tūrists vai Biznesa vīza uz Kanādu. The country of Canada has a favourable rating on the ease of doing business rankings, which means that if you want to create a business there, you will be able to take advantage of world-class facilities and solid rules that will be favourable to your plans. Canada is one of the greatest locations to conduct business. Additionally, it serves as a platform for international conventions, conferences, and seminars to take place. On the other hand, in order to take advantage of all the economic advantages that Canada has to offer, you will first need to acquire a business visa.

How Fast can I Obtain a Business Visa for Canada?

Canada eTA process is quick, so you can receive a Canada eTA within 72 hours of submitting the application form. In some cases, there can be delays in the application process. The Canada eTA option is suitable only for short-term stays. Your business visit or stay in Canada must be within 180 days (6 months).

Who is a Business Visitor?

Tālāk ir norādīti scenāriji, kuros jūs tiksit uzskatīts par biznesa apmeklētāju:

If you are visiting Canada temporarily to

  • Investē Kanādā
  • Look for opportunities to grow your business
  • Pursue and prolong your business relationships

If you want to visit Canada to take part in international business activities and are not part of the Canadian labour market. Business visitors having Canada eTA can stay in the country for a few weeks up to 6 months on a temporary visit.

A work permit is not required by business visitors. A business visitor to Canada is not a businessperson who has come to join Canada’s labour market under a free trade agreement.

Learn more about eligibility and requirements to enter Canada as a business visitor in our Ceļvedis biznesa apmeklētājiem Kanādā.

Describe a Business Visitor as far as Canada Visa Regulation is Concerned?

Biznesa ceļotājs ieceļo Kanādā ar nolūku īstenot komerciālas intereses vai veikt saimniecisku darbību.

Cerams, ka viņi neiekļūs darba tirgū meklējot darbu, vai saņemt samaksu tieši par sniegtajiem pakalpojumiem. Tas ir iespējams biznesa apmeklētājiem apmeklēt biznesa tikšanos vai konferenci, vai arī tos var pieprasīt Kanādas firma to piedalīties apmācībā, testēt produktu vai veikt biznesa funkciju pilnvarotāja vārdā.

Biznesa apmeklētāji nav nepieciešama darba atļauja. Ir arī vērts atzīmēt, ka a Biznesa apmeklētājs nav biznesa cilvēks kuri pievienojas Kanādas darba tirgum saskaņā ar brīvās tirdzniecības līgumu.

Īss pārskats – biznesa ceļotājs dodas uz Kanādu, lai

  • Develop your professional connections
  • Put money into the economy of Canada
  • Investigate the possibilities that exist for expanding their firm in Canada

Canada Business Visas

There is a wide variety of business visas available, and some of them allow travellers to stay in Canada for a period of up to six months. Additionally, the Canadian government may grant the visa in the form of a single entry or multiple entrance visa through its embassies or consulates.

There are two types of visas: single-entry visas and multiple-entry visas. Single-entry visas are for vacationers who are only going to visit Canada once, while multiple-entry visas are for people who visit Canada frequently.

Which Sectors Offer the Best Business Opportunities in Canada?

For immigrants, the following are the top 5 (five) Business Opportunities in Canada:

  • Vairumtirdzniecība un mazumtirdzniecība
  • Agriculture - Canada is a global leader in agriculture
  • Būvniecība
  • Komerciālā makšķerēšana un jūras veltes
  • Programmatūra un tehniskie pakalpojumi

How can One Enter Canada as a Business Visitor?

You will either need an eTA Canada Visa (elektroniskā ceļošanas atļauja) or a valid Canadian visa to enter Canada on a short-term business trip.  The eligibility to choose a visa or eTA depends on your citizenship or passport type. If you are a citizen of one of the Valstis, uz kurām neattiecas vīzu režīms, you are eligible to apply for a Canada eTA.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Business Visitor?

  • No intention to join the Canadian labour market 
  • Planning a short stay in Canada which is up to 6 months or less
  • Managing a stable and thriving business outside of Canada (in your home country)
  • Must have all the necessary travel documents
  • Proper return plans such as return tickets before the expiry of your Canadian Visa or eTA
  • Should not be associated with any kind of health or security risk
  • Financial stability proof to cover your entire stay in Canada

Difference Between a Canada Work Permit and a Business Visa

One should not get confused between a Canadian work permit and a business visitor visa, because both are quite different. As a business visitor, one cannot enter the Canadian workforce. If you are a business visitor with a Canadian business visa, you will be allowed only short-term stays in Canada for business activities. The permitted activities are site visits, industry conferences, meetings or training. On the other hand, if you are employed by a Canadian company or transferred to Canada by your company, you will need a work permit.

Allowed Business Activities in Canada

Kad esat izpildījis visu savu Kanādas biznesa vīzu prasības un saņemt savu Kanādas biznesa vīza, jums ir atļauts veikt šādas darbības:

  • Uzņēmumu pakalpojumu vai preču pasūtījumu pieņemšana
  • Biznesa tikšanos, konferenču vai gadatirgu apmeklēšana
  • Sniedzam pēcpārdošanas biznesa pakalpojumus
  • Kanādas preču vai pakalpojumu iegāde
  • Attending business training by a Canadian parent company for which you are working from outside Canada
  • Apmeklējat apmācību Kanādas uzņēmumā, ar kuru jums ir biznesa attiecības

Documents Required for Business Visitors Before Entering Canada

Ir daži biznesa vīzu prasības that you need to follow. When you arrive at the Canadian border, make sure that you have the following documents handy and in order. Keep in mind that the Canada Border Services Agent (CBSA) has the right to declare you inadmissible if you fail to produce the following documents:

  • A valid Canadian visa or eTA
  • A passport that is valid for the whole duration of your stay in Canada
  • Financial proof to support yourself financially during your stay in Canada and to return home
  • Letter of invitation or letter of support from your Canadian business host or Canadian parent company
  • Contact details of your business host

Canada Business Visa Application Process

Jūsu darbs IR Klientu apkalpošana biznesa vīzas pieteikuma process is simple. Business visitors to Canada need to follow the normal application procedure for a visitor visa, or TRV (Temporary Resident Visa). One additional thing they need to do is to indicate that they are entering the country for business activities. At their port of entry, business visitors may need to show proof of their activities to the border services officer.

However, business visitors may be visa-exempt if they come from any of the visa-exempt countries. In these cases, the individual may still need an electronic travel authorization (eTA) if they arrive in Canada by air. As a business visitor, you may bring your family members with you, but whoever is accompanying you must complete their own Canada eTA.

Pārbaudiet savu piemērotību eTA Kanādas vīzai un piesakieties eTA Kanādas vīzai 72 stundas pirms lidojuma. Daudzu valstu pilsoņi, tostarp Lielbritānijas pilsoņi, Polijas pilsoņi, Spānijas pilsoņi, Grieķijas pilsoņi un Francijas pilsoņi var tiešsaistē pieteikties eTA Kanādas vīzai.